Penn State Health St Joseph Giving
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Support Penn State Health St. Joseph

Use the form below to make a secure donation by credit card in support of Penn State Health St. Joseph

Have a question about giving?  Call 717-531-8497 or email

Gift Information

I would like my gift to benefit: Required

Selected Designations
Name Amount Percentage
PSH St Joseph Flag Tribute Program ($10 per Flag)
Total: $0.00 0%

Memorial or Honor Gift

Thank a caregiver

Thank you for wanting to honor a member of our care team today. To share a message of gratitude, please fill in the following form. We will gladly pass it on to the people who have made a difference in your life.

Can we follow up with you to hear more about your patient experience with us?
Can we follow up with you to hear more about your patient experience with us?
If yes, what is the best way we can reach you?
If yes, what is the best way we can reach you?

Click the arrow to the right to make a Memorial or Honor gift
Please check if honorary or memorial gift
Please check if honorary or memorial gift

Please Notify the Following Person of this Gift:

Billing Information

Title: Required

Email: Required


Refund Policy:Charitable contributions to The Pennsylvania State University are irrevocable transfers to the University and generally nonrefundable. Refunds will only be processed in extreme circumstances as determined by the University in its sole discretion or as required by law. Please work with your credit card company to resolve issues of credit card theft or unauthorized use of a credit card. If you have further questions about your credit card donation, please contact our Donor and Member Services office at 877-888-5646.